Septeni Group and DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)
At the Septeni Group, we have adopted a DEI policy that “respects all human rights, acknowledges diversity, and realizes a way of working where each individual's strengths are demonstrated.” We promote and support diverse work styles based on the belief that each employee of various backgrounds can contribute to the sustainable development of the Group through autonomous and valuable work.
Furthermore, the concept of Septeni's logo is “Resilient, Caring, Exciting.” The “Caring” represents the acknowledgment of diversity. As represented in the Group's symbol, the Septeni Group recognizes DEI as a very important theme and is actively working on it.

Selected as One of Japan’s "Best Workplaces" for the 13th Consecutive Year
In 2024, for the 13th consecutive year, the Septeni Group was selected in the “Best Workplaces in Japan” rankings, a survey and analysis conducted by the Great Place To Work® Institute Japan. The percentage of employees who responded “Overall, I would say this is a great company to work for”* averaged over 80% over the past 13 years. In terms of individual evaluation items, high scores were recorded for such questions as “Management and supervisory staff understand that failure is an inevitable part of the work process” and “In this company, people who try new methods and improvements are admired, regardless of the consequences,” clearly indicating that the spirit of “Hinerankai,” the creed that has been passed down for more than 30 years since the founding, is being put into practice. The average for the respective questions about being treated fairly regardless of age, race, gender and sexual orientation was 89% in the 2024 survey, indicating an environment in which employees can thrive regardless of their personal attributes.
*The total number of surveyed Group company employees was more than 60% of the total number of employees. Percentages are calculated based on responses from a randomly selected subset of employees.

Support for the Active Participation of Diverse Employees
Initiatives to Achieve Gender Equality
We promote initiatives towards gender equality, centered around the Gender Equality Subcommittee of the Sustainability Committee.
LGBT Initiatives
We have established the cross-group LGBT & Ally network “SEPALLY RAINBOW” and are promoting its initiatives.
Promoting Age Diversity
In order to respond to change, our group is promoting thecreation of an organization where members of diversegenerations can thrive.
Awareness Activities
Diversity Month
With the aim of “personalizing” DEI promotion, we have been holding an annual “Diversity Month” since 2021.
We provide opportunities to touch on and think about DEI from various angles through seminars such as “Menstrual Health Education for All,” “The Surprising Story of the Egg,” “Bye Bye Bias! -Awareness of Unconscious Bias, Knowing, Acknowledging and Making the Most of Differences,” “When and How to Educate Children about Sex and Gender,” “Creating Innovation and Promoting Diversity,” and “What Non-Creators Need to Know about ‘Advertising Expression and Backlash.’”
Although participation in these seminars is optional, a total of more than 1,000 employees participated in 2023.

Diversity Award
With the aim of spreading awareness of the significance and benefits of DEI promotion within the Group and demonstrating both internally and externally our active commitment to DEI, we have been holding a group-wide Diversity Award since 2020.
Group employees are invited to submit “initiatives aimed at creating an environment where each individual can play an active role and generate innovation and results.” We invite external judges and present awards to the most highly rated initiatives at the Group Kick-Off at the beginning of each fiscal year.
From 2022, in addition to the general category, we have established a rookie category for employees within their first three years of joining the Group.

Raising Awareness of Unconscious Bias
We are committed to raising awareness of unconscious biases to prevent overlooking individual characteristics due to stereotypes, hindering each person's success, and producing socially undesirable outputs in creations such as advertisements.
For executive officers and managers, we conduct mandatory training, and for employees, we include questions about unconscious biases in the compliance tests taken monthly.
We also conduct an annual survey on the understanding of unconscious biases, and have set a goal to achieve 100% understanding of domestic managers by 2025 and 100% understanding of domestic full-time employees by 2030.
We share the results within the Group and use them to improve our initiatives.

Creating an Environment that Embraces Diversity
Measures Against Discrimination and Harassment
At the Septeni Group, we prohibit discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment, based on gender, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, thoughts, beliefs, social status, disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, among other factors. We continuously promote activities to create an environment that prevents these issues, allowing each individual's strengths to be fully demonstrated.
Group-wide Learning
We conduct monthly e-learning for the purpose of preventing and mitigating harassment and considering human rights in advertising expressions, etc.
Harassment Prevention Training for Managers
We conduct harassment prevention training, which is mandatory for managers, with the aim of preventing and mitigating harassment. The training content is practical, incorporating many works and examples.
Whistleblowing System
All individuals who belong to the Septeni Group and who engage in its operations can report or consult using the hotline. An external lawyer serves as the direct contact point for reports or consultations, and the officers and employees who reported or consulted are protected by the hotline regulation.
Work Style Reform Initiatives
- 2011
- Started efforts to balance results and time reduction at the business companies
- 2015
- Established the cross-group 'Work Style Reform Committee'
- 2016
- Introduced the flextime system
- 2017
- Prepared for the introduction of a work-from-home system (trial introduction)
- 2020
- All employees have transitioned to working from home as a principle to prevent the spread of COCID-19
- 2023
- Formally introduced the work-from-home system. Also, renovated the head office, promoting a hybrid work style of both coming to the office and working from home.
External Recognition
D&I Award

- 2024
- Best Workplace for Diversity & Inclusion
- 2023
- Best Workplace for Diversity & Inclusion
- 2022
- Best Workplace for Diversity & Inclusion
- 2021
- Best Workplace for Diversity & Inclusion