Human Resource Development with Reproducibility Through Digital HR
Human Resource Development Policy
As stated in the first clause of our vision, “To be a place where people are empowered to create a new era,” we at the Septeni Group regard people as the most valuable asset and focus on their development. Since our founding in 1990, we have always regarded people (employees) as a core capital and have achieved steady growth by actively investing in them.
Since starting the Digital Marketing Business in 2000, we have continued to expand our business along with the development of the market. However, in growth industries like our business sector, the competition for acquiring skilled talent has been extremely fierce. In such a business environment, we believe that how we recruit high-potential human resources and develop them efficiently is a critical factor that significantly influences corporate competitiveness.
Our group has been building a “scientific human resource development model” by utilizing a high-quality talent database accumulated over more than 20 years, along with technology including AI for analysis. We have been working on achieving individual optimization and reproducibility in talent development.
Development Equation
In our group, we define the concept of human resources development not as a matter of “being developed” but rather as one of “developing through the accumulation of positive experiences in the workplace.” The idea is that mutual interaction between the individual characteristics people are born with and the environments surrounding them influences their growth. We express this in the form of our HR Development Equation. Based on this concept, we quantify each employee's “growth” as well as the “compatibility between personality and environment.
HR value chain
Leveraging the human resources databases we have accumulated over the years, we are building HR Initiatives (an HR value chain) designed as an integrated service from recruitment to onboarding to development. The results of HR Initiatives implemented are stored in the same database, and the system is designed to continuously improve the accuracy of initiatives by applying the PDCA cycle as operations continue. By leveraging technology in this way, we strive to realize efficient and highly reproducible human resource development and maximize our human capital.
Reproducible Selection Process and Data Utilization to Support Understanding of Career Formation After Joining
In recruitment activities, we have developed a success prediction model that calculates the potential for post-hire success based on information such as the “personality” of candidates and “data at the time of selection.” This model is used as a reference in the selection process. By referring to data, we can make decisions based on quantitative information rather than relying solely on the subjective opinions or instincts of the hiring staff, which leads to increased accuracy in matching candidates with our company.
Furthermore, we provide “career feedback” based on the data collected during the selection process, offering individual career plans to each candidate. This facilitates communication between the hiring staff and candidates, helping to deepen their understanding of career formation after joining the company.
Self-analysis Tool
Based on technology that quantifies the compatibility of personality and environment and optimizes performance, we offer a 'self-analysis tool' to all students. This tool objectively assesses personality and aptitude and expresses them as PR points. Our goal is to give each student the opportunity to make better career choices by utilizing this tool.

Optimal allocation and development plan
For employees after joining the company, we implement “compatibility placement,” which quantitatively evaluates the environment that an individual is likely to adapt to easily, based on personality data from team members and supervisors, and use this as reference information for assignments. In addition, based on these data, we provide reports to the individuals that include “strengths and weaknesses, optimal learning styles, and methods of organizational adaptation,” and to their superiors, “optimal ways of communication and development methods.” By doing so, we support growth tailored to each individual's personality.

Alumni Network
At Septeni Group, we aim to provide an AI-based HR system that quantifies compatibility and optimizes employee performance widely to alumni (former employees). For this purpose, we have established the “Septeni Group Alumni Network.”
Through this alumni network, we offer career development services, share information about group news, business outsourcing and alliances, and foster business partnerships.

Research Structure
The Human Capital Lab is affiliated with Septeni Holdings and conducts research activities aimed at strengthening human resource recruitment and development, based on data related to human resources accumulated from the entire group. The research results will be made public through this website to assist in human resource recruitment and development activities.
Publication of Research Results
We promote initiatives to apply scientific methods to human resources through the power of data and technology, centered on our AI engine "HaKaSe," which specializes in analyzing HR Development Equation data.
Aiming to assist in resolving HR challenges, we offer over 15 HR solutions and more than 30 research reports. These resources are all available for free on the Human Capital Lab website.*
*Registration via a form is required.
Appropriate Utilization of Human Resource Data
To ensure that human resource data is used in an appropriate and sound manner, we have published Digital HR Guidelines containing principles for the utilization of human resource data. In the Group, when using human resource data analysis for HR strategies, we operate in accordance with the principles of the Guidelines. We will continue to aim to increase human capital value through the appropriate utilization of human resource data.