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  3. Media Platform Business

Media Platform Business

Business Model

In the Media Platform Business, we have developed platform-type businesses related to “employment,” “social contribution” and “childcare,” and businesses that utilize the Group assets in industries other than the digital advertising industry, focusing on areas of potential growth in the near future and social issues.

  • Employment Platform Business: ViViViT

    ViViViT is a platform for matching designers with jobs through portfolios (winner of the 2020 Good Design Award). To date, 600,000 creative works have been posted, and a cumulative total of 2,700 companies have used the service, creating over 100,000 matches.

  • Platform Business of Social Contribution: gooddo

    gooddo is a platform for ensuring compatibility between the supporting activities of non-profit organizations and other groups and corporate marketing and public relations activities to provide consumers and businesses with opportunities to make social contributions. Under the slogan of making social contributions into everyday activities, we will construct a system that converts individuals’ interest in social contributions into practical actions in a bid to resolve social issues.

  • Childcare Platform Business: TowaStela

    TowaStela plans and operates digital media and e-commerce in the field of childcare. It aims to realize its vision of creating a period when users most enjoy childcare through the operation of the e-commerce site Babyful, which adds to the joy of important days for families, and the planning and operation of amanoppo, a gift shop for parents and children.

Group Company List

  • Vivivit, Inc.

    Employment platform business

  • gooddo Inc.

    Platform business of social contribution

  • TowaStela, Inc.

    Childcare platform business

  • ALPHABLE, Inc.

    Management of service of looking for love, and development and sales of cosmetic products

  • 3RD GEAR, Inc.

    Planning, development and operation of a blockchain ecosystem